Waste Container Services in Rovaniemi

We offer waste container services in Rovaniemi. We provide you solutions to sort and transport materials. Order a waste container that match your needs for garden, renovation or construction site work.

Vuokrattavia jassikoita Rovaniemellä.

Sorting Possibilities

We offer you equipment to sort different types of waste. With our equipment you can sort concrete, metal, brick, ceramic tiles, asphalt or garden waste, for example.

Roskalavojen vuokraus Rovaniemellä.

Transporting Materials

For bigger amounts of waste we use different sized waste containers. For smaller amounts of waste we can use boat skips that can be lifted close to work-steads. With wheelbarrows materials can be moved to waste containers. For further sorting, materials are transported in waste containers or boat skips.

Information about Sorted Materials

You can analyze data about amounts of sorted data, its costs and other information. We send you information about sorted waste.

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